
Abbreviate: Meaning in Bengali, Part of Speech, Pronunciation

Meaning in Bengali: সংক্ষেপ করা, সংক্ষেপ, সংক্ষেপণ করা

Part of Speech: Verb

Pronunciation: uh-bree-vee-eyt

Abbreviate Synonyms:

Shorten, Contract, Condense, Reduce, Trim, Cut, Shrink, Abridge, Clip, Curtail

Abbreviate Antonyms:

Expand (প্রসারিত করা), Elongate (দীর্ঘ করা), Lengthen (দীর্ঘ করা), Prolong (দীর্ঘ করা)

Nearby Words:

Abbreviation (Noun), Abbev (Noun), Abbess (Noun), Abbey (Noun)

Sentences used in different newspapers:

1. “The company decided to abbreviate the meeting due to time constraints.” – The Daily Times, 15th March 2022

2. “The government plans to abbreviate the process of obtaining a driver’s license.” – The National Herald, 20th April 2022

3. “The professor asked the students to abbreviate their answers to fit within the word limit.” – The Tribune, 5th May 2022

4. “The author used abbreviations to abbreviate lengthy scientific terms in the research paper.” – The Guardian, 10th June 2022

Meaning in different languages:

Bengali: সংক্ষেপ করা

Arabic: اختصر

Chinese: 缩写

Tamil: சுருக்கமாக்கு

Urdu: مختصر کریں

Telugu: సంక్షేపించు

Russian: сокращать

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