bit by bit

Bit by Bit Meaning in Bengali

Bit by bit, meaning “gradually” or “in small increments,” can be translated into Bengali in several ways. Some of the Bengali meanings of this phrase include অল্প অল্প (alpo alpo), ক্ষুদ্র ক্ষুদ্র (kshudro kshudro), and ধীরে ধীরে (dheere dheere).

Part of Speech: Adverb

Pronunciation: (bit bahy bit)

Nearby Words:

  • Bit: Noun – টুকরো (tukro)
  • By: Preposition – দ্বারা (dvara)
  • Gradually: Adverb – ধীরে ধীরে (dheere dheere)

Bit by Bit Synonyms:

  • Little by Little: অল্প অল্প (alpo alpo)
  • Step by Step: ধাপে ধাপে (dhape dhape)
  • Piece by Piece: টুকরা টুকরা (tukra tukra)
  • Gradually: ধীরে ধীরে (dheere dheere)
  • Incrementally: অতিরিক্ত করে (atirikto kore)

Origination of ‘Bit by Bit’

The phrase “bit by bit” originated from the English language, where “bit” refers to a small piece or portion. When used together, it signifies the gradual or incremental nature of a process or action.


  • All at Once: একসঙ্গে সব (ekshonge shob)
  • Suddenly: হঠাৎ (hothath)

Usage in English Sentences:

  • I am learning to play the piano bit by bit. (আমি ধীরে ধীরে পিয়ানো বাজার শিখছি।)
  • The project is progressing bit by bit. (প্রকল্পটি অল্প অল্প অগ্রসর হচ্ছে।)
  • She revealed her secret bit by bit. (তিনি তার গোপন বিষয়টি অল্প অল্প উদ্ঘাটন করলেন।)

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