
Baffles Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

Baffles is a word that has multiple meanings in Urdu. Here are a few of its meanings:

1. بھول جانا (Bhool Jana)

Meaning: To forget or be unable to understand something.

Example: وہ مسئلہ سمجھنے میں مجھے بھول گیا (He baffled me with that problem).

2. روکنا (Rokna)

Meaning: To prevent or hinder someone from achieving something.

Example: میں نے اس کو اپنے منصوبے کو روکنے کے لئے بھول دیا (I baffled him to stop his plan).

3. چکرا دینا (Chakra Dena)

Meaning: To confuse or bewilder someone.

Example: اس کی باتوں نے مجھے بہت چکرا دیا (His words baffled me a lot).

Synonyms of Baffles

Some synonyms of baffles include:

  • Confuse (الجھانا)
  • Puzzle (پریشان کرنا)
  • Bewilder (حیران کرنا)
  • Mystify (حیران کرنا)

Baffles Pronunciation

The pronunciation of baffles is [baf-uh lz] in English.

Antonyms of Baffles

Here are the antonyms of baffles with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Understand (سمجھنا)
  • Clear (واضح)
  • Explain (سمجھانا)
  • Illuminate (روشن کرنا)

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to baffles:

  • Baffle (noun) – بھول (Bhool)
  • Baffled (adjective) – حیران (Hairan)
  • Baffling (adjective) – پریشان کن (Preshan Kun)
  • Bafflement (noun) – حیرت (Hairat)

Origin of the Word Baffles

The word “baffles” originated from the Middle English word “bafelen,” which means to disgrace or cheat. It later evolved to mean to confuse or bewilder.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word “baffles” with their Urdu meanings:

  1. His behavior baffles me. (اس کا رویہ مجھے حیران کرتا ہے۔)
  2. The complex puzzle baffled even the experts. (یہ پیچیدہ پہیلی ماہرین کو بھی حیران کرتی تھی۔)
  3. She was baffled by his sudden disappearance. (اس کی اچانک غائب ہونے سے وہ حیران ہوگئی۔)

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