
Badgers Meaning in Urdu: بیجرز کا مطلب

Badgers, known as بیجرز in Urdu, have several meanings in the language. Some of the meanings include:

1. بیجرز (Noun)

Meaning: A nocturnal mammal with a thickset body, short legs, and a bushy tail, typically having black and white stripes.

Example Sentence: بیجرز رات کو سوتے ہیں۔ (Badgers sleep at night.)

2. تنگ کرنا (Verb)

Meaning: To pester or annoy persistently.

Example Sentence: وہ مجھے بیجرز کی طرح تنگ کرتا ہے۔ (He annoys me like a badger.)

Synonyms of Badgers

Synonyms of badgers include:

  • Harass (تنگ کرنا)
  • Annoy (پریشان کرنا)
  • Pester (تنگ کرنا)
  • Trouble (پریشانی)

Badgers Pronunciation

The pronunciation of badgers is [baj-erz] in English.


Antonyms of badgers in Urdu:

  • Ignore (نظر انداز کرنا)
  • Assist (مدد کرنا)
  • Support (حمایت کرنا)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to badgers are:

  • Badge (نشان)
  • Badgered (تنگ کیا)
  • Badgering (تنگ کرنا)
  • Badgerlike (بیجرز کی طرح)

Origin of the Word Badgers

The word “badgers” originated from the Middle English word “bageard” which means “brock” or “badger”. It can be traced back to the Old English word “bæce” meaning “bacon”.

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By exploring the meanings, synonyms, pronunciation, antonyms, nearby words, and origin of the word “badgers” in Urdu, you can gain a better understanding of its usage and significance.