associate professor

Associate Professor Meaning in Urdu

Associate Professor, یار حاضر ہونے والا استاد, is a term used in academic settings to refer to a faculty member who holds the rank below a full professor but above an assistant professor. They are typically experienced educators who have made significant contributions to their field of study.

Synonyms of Associate Professor

Synonyms of Associate Professor in Urdu include:

  • یار حاضر ہونے والا استاد
  • معاون استاد
  • مشاور استاد

Associate Professor Pronunciation

The pronunciation of Associate Professor in Urdu is: “Yar Hazir Honay Wala Ustad”.


Antonyms of Associate Professor in Urdu:

  • معاون استاد (Assistant Professor)
  • استاد (Professor)

Nearby Words

Other related words in Urdu:

  • استاد (Professor) – Noun
  • معاون استاد (Assistant Professor) – Noun
  • تعلیمی ادارہ (Educational Institution) – Noun
  • تدریسی (Teaching) – Adjective

Origin of the Word Associate Professor

The term “associate professor” originated in the United States in the late 19th century. It was introduced as a rank between assistant professor and full professor to recognize educators who had achieved a certain level of expertise and experience in their field.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. وہ یار حاضر ہونے والا استاد ہے۔ (He is an associate professor.)

2. میں نے اپنے یار حاضر ہونے والے استاد سے مشورہ لیا۔ (I consulted my associate professor.)


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