
Assemblage Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Definitions and Synonyms

Assemblage, known as “جمع” in Urdu, has several meanings and interpretations. It is a noun that refers to the act of assembling or gathering together, as well as the resulting collection or group of things or people. Here are a few meanings of assemblage in Urdu:

  1. جمعیت: This meaning refers to a gathering or congregation of individuals.
  2. مجموعہ: It signifies a collection or combination of various things or elements.
  3. تشکیل: This meaning represents the process of forming or creating something by bringing different parts together.

Some synonyms of assemblage include gathering, collection, assembly, congregation, and compilation. The pronunciation of assemblage is [uh-sem-blij] in English.

Antonyms and Nearby Words

Antonyms of assemblage in Urdu include:

  • تفرقہ: Meaning “disunity” or “disagreement.”
  • الگ تھلگ: It signifies “separation” or “disconnection.”

Some nearby words related to assemblage are:

  • Assembly (noun): “جلسہ” – A gathering of individuals for a specific purpose.
  • Collect (verb): “جمع کرنا” – To bring or gather things together.
  • Group (noun): “گروہ” – A collection of individuals or things.

Origin and Examples

The word “assemblage” originated from the French word “assembler,” meaning “to assemble.” It entered the English language in the late 15th century.

Here are a few example sentences with Urdu meanings:

  1. English: The assemblage of people at the concert was impressive.

    Urdu: کنسرٹ میں لوگوں کی جمع بڑی دلچسپ تھی۔
  2. English: The assemblage of different cultures in this city is fascinating.

    Urdu: اس شہر میں مختلف ثقافتوں کا مجموعہ دلچسپ ہے۔

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources:

By exploring the meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and examples of assemblage, you can gain a better understanding of this word and its usage in Urdu.