
Assailable Meaning in Urdu: اچھالنے کے قابل

Assailable is an English word that is commonly used to describe something that is vulnerable or open to attack or criticism. In Urdu, the meaning of assailable is اچھالنے کے قابل. It is pronounced as “achaalne ke qaabil” in Urdu.

Synonyms of Assailable:

  • Vulnerable – مستعد
  • Exposed – نمایاں
  • Open – کھلا
  • Defenseless – بے حفاظت

Antonyms of Assailable:

  • Invulnerable – غیر مستعد
  • Protected – محفوظ
  • Secure – محفوظ
  • Impregnable – ناقابل تسخیر

Nearby Words:

  • Assailant (Noun) – حملہ آور
  • Assail (Verb) – حملہ کرنا
  • Assailment (Noun) – حملہ
  • Assailability (Noun) – حملے کے قابلیت

Origin of the Word Assailable:

The word “assailable” originated from the Middle English word “assailen,” which means to attack or assault. It can be traced back to the Old French word “assaillir” and the Latin word “assilire,” both of which have similar meanings.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The fortress was assailable from the east. (قلعہ مشرق سے اچھالنے کے قابل تھا۔)
  2. His argument was assailable and easily refuted. (اس کا تجزیہ کرنا ممکن تھا اور آسانی سے رد کیا جا سکتا تھا۔)

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