
Asmuch Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

The word “asmuch” has multiple meanings in Urdu, including:

1. بہت زیادہ (bahut ziyada)

Meaning: A large amount or quantity; to a great extent.

Example: وہ اتنا کام کرتا ہے کہ اسے بہت زیادہ تکلیف ہوتی ہے۔ (He works so much that he feels a lot of pain.)

2. اتنا ہی (itna hi)

Meaning: To the same extent or degree.

Example: تم اتنا ہی کام کرو جتنا کہلایا گیا ہے۔ (You should work as much as you are told.)

Synonyms of Asmuch

Some synonyms of “asmuch” in Urdu are:

  • بہت (bahut) – Very
  • کافی (kaafi) – Enough
  • زیادہ (ziyada) – More

Antonyms of Asmuch

Some antonyms of “asmuch” in Urdu are:

  • کم (kam) – Less
  • تھوڑا (thoda) – Little
  • کچھ (kuch) – Some

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “asmuch” in Urdu are:

  • Asma (Noun) – آسمان (sky)
  • Asman (Noun) – آسمان (heaven)
  • Asman Se (Phrase) – آسمان سے (from the sky)

Origin of the Word Asmuch

The word “asmuch” originated from Middle English, combining the words “as” and “much.” It is used to emphasize the extent or degree of something.


For more information about the word “asmuch,” you can refer to the following sources: