ask for

Ask for Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Definitions

When encountering a new word or phrase, it is natural to seek its meaning and pronunciation. In the case of “ask for,” let’s explore its various aspects in Urdu.


The pronunciation of “ask for” in Urdu is [آسک فور].

Meaning in Urdu:

Here are a few meanings of “ask for” in Urdu:

  1. مطالبہ کرنا (matlabah karna)
  2. درخواست کرنا (darkhwast karna)
  3. پوچھنا (poochna)


Synonyms of “ask for” include:

  • request (درخواست کرنا)
  • inquire (پوچھنا)
  • demand (مطالبہ کرنا)


Antonyms of “ask for” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • refuse (انکار کرنا)
  • ignore (نظر انداز کرنا)
  • deny (انکار کرنا)

Nearby Words:

Here are some nearby words related to “ask for” along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
ask verb پوچھنا (poochna)
askance adverb جھک کر (jhuk kar)
askew adjective ٹیڑھا (tedha)

Origin of the Word:

The word “ask” originated from Old English āscian, which is derived from the Proto-Germanic word *aiskōną. It is related to the Dutch word “vragen” and the German word “fragen.”

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using “ask for” in Urdu:

  1. میں نے اس سے راہ پوچھی۔ (I asked him for directions.)
  2. وہ مجھ سے مدد کی درخواست کرتا ہے۔ (He asks me for help.)
  3. کیا آپ مجھ سے پوچھ رہے ہیں؟ (Are you asking me?)

For further information, you can refer to the following sources:

By understanding the pronunciation, meanings, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, origin, and example sentences of “ask for” in Urdu, you can enhance your language skills and communication abilities.