
Asif Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation and Multiple Meanings

The name “Asif” is commonly used in various cultures, including Urdu-speaking communities. It is pronounced as “ah-seef” in Urdu. Asif is an Arabic name that holds several meanings in Urdu, including:

Meanings of Asif in Urdu:

  • 1. خوشی کا باعث (Cause of Happiness)
  • 2. خوشی کا سبب (Reason for Happiness)
  • 3. خوشی کا وجہ (Source of Happiness)

Synonyms of Asif:

Some synonyms of Asif in Urdu are:

  • 1. مسرت (Masarrat)
  • 2. خوشی (Khushi)
  • 3. شادمانی (Shadmani)

Antonyms of Asif:

Antonyms of Asif in Urdu include:

  • 1. غم (Gham) – Sadness
  • 2. دکھ (Dukh) – Sorrow
  • 3. الم (Alam) – Grief

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to Asif in Urdu, along with their parts of speech and meanings, are:

  • 1. Asifa (Noun) – A gathering, a congregation
  • 2. Asifabad (Noun) – A place name
  • 3. Asifullah (Noun) – A person’s name

Origin of the Word Asif:

The name Asif has its roots in Arabic and is derived from the Quranic term “Asif bin Barkhiya.” Asif bin Barkhiya was a minister in the court of Prophet Sulaiman (King Solomon) known for his wisdom and knowledge.

Example Sentences:

Here are a few example sentences using the word Asif in Urdu:

  1. 1. وہ ایک اسف بھری کہانی سنا رہا تھا۔ (He was telling a sad story.)
  2. 2. میں نے اسف کے ساتھ اس کی خوشی کا حصہ کیا۔ (I shared in his happiness.)
  3. 3. اسف کے باوجود، وہ مسرت بھری آواز میں گانے لگا۔ (Despite the sadness, he started singing in a joyful voice.)

For more information about the name Asif, you can visit the following websites: