
Ashy Meaning in Urdu: Definition and Synonyms

Ashy is an adjective that is commonly used to describe something that is pale or grayish in color, resembling ashes. In Urdu, ashy can be translated as “راکھی” (rakhi), “خاکستری” (khakistri), or “راکھ والا” (rakh wala).

Synonyms of Ashy:

  • Grayish – “سرمئی” (sarmayi)
  • Pale – “پیلا” (pela)
  • Dull – “کم روشن” (kam roshan)
  • Faded – “مردود” (mardood)

Antonyms of Ashy:

  • Vibrant – “جوشیلا” (joshila)
  • Colorful – “رنگین” (rangeen)
  • Bright – “روشن” (roshan)
  • Glowing – “چمکتا ہوا” (chamakta hua)

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Ash Noun راکھ
Ashen Adjective راکھی
Ashamed Adjective شرمندہ
Ashtray Noun راکھ گدی

Origin of the Word Ashy:

The word “ashy” originated from Middle English and Old English, derived from the word “ash” which refers to the residue left after something is burned. It is related to the Old Norse word “aska” and the Old High German word “asca.” The term “ashy” has been used since the 14th century to describe the color or appearance of something resembling ashes.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The fireplace was filled with ashy remnants of burnt wood. (چوکھٹ پر جلے ہوئے لکڑی کے راکھی تھے۔)
  2. Her face turned ashy white when she heard the shocking news. (وہ حیرت انگیز خبر سن کر اس کا چہرہ راکھی سفید ہو گیا۔)
  3. The ashy sky indicated an approaching storm. (راکھی سفید آسمان نے آنے والی طوفان کی نشانی دی۔)

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