as awhole

As a Whole Meaning in Urdu: اکٹھے طور پر

As a Whole is an English phrase that is commonly used to refer to something in its entirety or as a complete unit. It signifies considering all the parts or aspects together rather than individually. In Urdu, the meaning of As a Whole can be translated as “اکٹھے طور پر” which conveys the same idea of looking at something as a complete entity.

Synonyms of As a Whole:

  • Overall (مجموعی طور پر)
  • Collectively (جمعی طور پر)
  • Entirely (مکمل طور پر)
  • Completely (مکمل طور پر)

Antonyms of As a Whole:

  • Individually (الگ الگ)
  • Separately (الگ الگ)
  • Piecemeal (ٹکڑے ٹکڑے)
  • Partially (جزوی طور پر)

Nearby Words:

  • As a matter of fact (حقیقتاً)
  • As a result (نتیجتاً)
  • As a rule (اصولاً)
  • As a consequence (نتیجتاً)

Origin of the Word As a Whole:

The phrase “as a whole” originated from Middle English and has been in use since the 14th century. It combines the word “as,” meaning “in the capacity or role of,” with the word “whole,” which refers to something complete or entire.

Example Sentences:

  1. As a whole, the team performed exceptionally well in the tournament. (اکٹھے طور پر، ٹیم نے مقابلے میں بہترین اداکاری کی)
  2. The report analyzes the company’s financial situation as a whole. (رپورٹ کمپنی کی مالی صورتحال کو اکٹھے طور پر تجزیہ کرتی ہے)
  3. Considering the project as a whole, it is evident that more resources are required. (منصوبے کو اکٹھے طور پر دیکھتے ہوئے، واضح ہے کہ مزید وسائل کی ضرورت ہے)

For more information about the phrase “as a whole,” you can visit the following links: