
Artillerist Meaning in Urdu: ارتلری ماہر

An artillerist, pronounced as “ahr-tuh-leer-ist,” refers to a person who specializes in the use and operation of artillery, such as cannons or large firearms. In Urdu, the meaning of artillerist is ارتلری ماہر.

Synonyms of Artillerist:

  • Gunsmith – بندوباز
  • Cannoneer – توپچی
  • Artilleryman – ارتلری میں ملازم

Antonyms of Artillerist:

  • Peacemaker – صلح کار
  • Mediator – توسیط کار
  • Diplomat – سفیر

Nearby Words:

  • Artillery (Noun) – ارتلری, جنگی ہتھیاروں کا مجموعہ
  • Artilleryman (Noun) – ارتلری میں ملازم
  • Artillery Fire (Noun) – ارتلری آگ

Origin of the Word Artillerist:

The word “artillerist” originated from the French word “artilleriste,” which came from the Latin word “artillarius,” meaning “artilleryman.” It combines the Latin word “artillarius” (pertaining to artillery) with the suffix “-ist” (indicating a person who practices or is skilled in a particular art or field).

Example Sentences:

  1. The artillerist skillfully aimed the cannon at the enemy’s fort. (ارتلری ماہر نے مہارت سے دشمن کے قلعے پر توپ نشانہ لگایا۔)
  2. The artillerist received extensive training in handling various types of artillery. (ارتلری ماہر کو مختلف قسم کی ارتلری کو ہنڈل کرنے کی وسیع تربیت ملی۔)

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