art of war

Art of War Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The Art of War, known as “فن جنگ” (Fann-e-Jang) in Urdu, is a renowned ancient Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu. It is considered a masterpiece in military strategy and has influenced various fields, including business, politics, and sports.

Meanings of Art of War in Urdu

1. فن جنگ: The literal translation of Art of War in Urdu.

2. جنگ کی فن: The art or skill of warfare.

3. جنگ کی تدبیر: The tactics and strategies employed in war.

Synonyms of Art of War

1. جنگ کی فن: The skill of war.

2. جنگ کی تدبیر: The strategy of war.

3. فن جنگ: The art of warfare.

Antonyms of Art of War

1. صلح کی فن: The art of peace.

2. امن کی تدبیر: The tactics of peace.

3. صلح کی تدبیر: The strategy of peace.

Nearby Words

1. فن (noun): Art.

2. جنگ (noun): War.

3. تدبیر (noun): Strategy.

Origin of the Word Art of War

The term “Art of War” originated from the Chinese title “孫子兵法” (Sūnzǐ Bīngfǎ), which translates to “Master Sun’s Military Methods.” It was written by Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher, during the 5th century BC.

Example Sentences

1. فن جنگ کے مطابق، تنظیم اور تدبیر کے بغیر کوئی جنگ جیتی نہیں جا سکتی۔ (According to the Art of War, no war can be won without organization and strategy.)

2. جنگ کی فن کو استعمال کرتے ہوئے، وہ اپنے دشمن کو شکست دے گیا۔ (Using the skill of war, he defeated his enemy.)

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