
Arrival Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings of “Arrival” in Urdu

Arrival is a noun that is pronounced as “uh-rahy-vuhl” in English. In Urdu, it can be translated into various meanings:

Arrival Meaning in Urdu:

  1. آمد (aamad) – The act of arriving or coming to a place.
  2. پہنچنا (pohanchana) – To reach or come to a destination.
  3. آغاز (aaghaz) – The beginning or commencement of something.

Synonyms of Arrival:

Some synonyms of arrival include:

  • Coming (آمد)
  • Reaching (پہنچنا)
  • Entry (داخلہ)
  • Arriving (پہنچنا)

Antonyms of Arrival:

Antonyms of arrival with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Departure (رخصت) – The act of leaving or going away.
  • Exit (خروج) – The act of leaving or going out.
  • Abandonment (ترک) – The act of deserting or giving up.

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to arrival with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Arrive (verb) – پہنچنا
  • Arrival (noun) – آمد
  • Arrival Time (noun) – آمد کا وقت
  • Arrival Hall (noun) – آمد گاہ

Origin of the Word Arrival:

The word “arrival” originated from the Middle English word “arriven” which means “to reach the shore.” It can be traced back to the Old French word “ariver” and the Latin word “ad-” (to) combined with “ripa” (shore).

Example Sentences:

  1. He announced his arrival at the party. (وہ نے پارٹی میں آمد کی اعلانیہ کی)
  2. The arrival of spring brings joy and new beginnings. (بہار کی آمد خوشی اور نئی شروعات لاتی ہے)
  3. She eagerly awaited her sister’s arrival from abroad. (وہ بے صبری سے بہن کی بیرون ملک سے آمد کا انتظار کر رہی تھی)

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