
Arrack Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation, Definitions, and More

Arrack, pronounced as “uh-rak,” is a term that has its roots in the Arabic language. It refers to a distilled alcoholic beverage that is commonly consumed in South Asia and Southeast Asia. In Urdu, arrack is known as “آراک” or “آراک شراب.”

Meanings of Arrack in Urdu

Arrack can have several meanings in Urdu, including:

  1. شراب (sharab) – meaning “liquor”
  2. مخمر (mukhmir) – meaning “fermented”
  3. مشروب (mashroob) – meaning “beverage”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of arrack in Urdu are:

  • شراب (sharab) – meaning “liquor”
  • مشروب (mashroob) – meaning “beverage”
  • سراب (saraab) – meaning “illusion”

Antonyms of arrack in Urdu include:

  • پانی (paani) – meaning “water”
  • شیر (sheer) – meaning “milk”
  • چائے (chai) – meaning “tea”

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to arrack in Urdu are:

Word Part of Speech Meaning in Urdu
شرابیں (sharabein) Noun Liquors
مشروبات (mashrobaat) Noun Beverages
مخمری (mukhmari) Noun Fermentation

Origin of the Word Arrack

The word “arrack” originated from the Arabic word “araq,” which means “sweat” or “juice.” It was later adopted by various languages, including Urdu, to refer to a specific type of alcoholic beverage.

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using arrack in Urdu:

  1. میں نے آراک کی بوتل خریدی ہے۔ (I bought a bottle of arrack.)
  2. آراک شراب کا مزہ لیں۔ (Enjoy the taste of arrack.)
  3. آراک پینے سے بہت سوکھاوٹ ہوتا ہے۔ (Drinking arrack causes dehydration.)

For more information about arrack, you can visit the following websites: