archi ve

Archi ve Meaning in Urdu: ارکائیو

Archi ve is a noun that refers to a collection of historical records or documents. It can also be used as a verb meaning to store or preserve records for future reference. The word “archi ve” is pronounced as “ahr-kahyv” in English and its meaning in Urdu is ارکائو.

Meanings in Urdu:

  • تحفظ کرنا (to preserve)
  • تاریخی دستاویزات کا مجموعہ (collection of historical documents)
  • ریکارڈ (record)


Some synonyms of archi ve include:

  • Record (ریکارڈ)
  • Repository (ذخیرہ گاہ)
  • Library (کتب خانہ)


Some antonyms of archi ve with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • Destroy (تباہ کرنا)
  • Erase (مٹانا)
  • Forget (بھولنا)

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Architect (noun) – معمار
  • Architectural (adjective) – معماری
  • Architecturally (adverb) – معماری طور پر
  • Architectonics (noun) – معماری


The word “archive” originated from the Greek word “arkhē” meaning “government” or “public records.” It was later adopted into Latin as “archivum” and eventually made its way into English as “archive.”

Example Sentences:

  1. I need to archi ve these important documents for future reference. (میں ان اہم دستاویزات کو مستقبل کے لئے تحفظ کرنا چاہتا ہوں۔)
  2. The archi ve contains valuable historical records dating back to the 18th century. (ارکائو میں قیمتی تاریخی ریکارڈز شامل ہیں جو 18ویں صدی تک واپس جاتی ہیں۔)
  3. She spent hours researching in the archi ve to find information about her ancestors. (وہ اپنے آبا اجداد کے بارے میں معلومات تلاش کرنے کے لئے ارکائو میں گھنٹوں تک تحقیق کی۔)

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