
Appurtenance Meaning in Urdu: اشیاء، سامان، ضمائم

Appurtenance is a noun that refers to something that is considered to be a part of a larger whole. It can also mean an accessory or an attachment that is associated with a particular object or property. In Urdu, appurtenance can be translated as “اشیاء” (ashya), “سامان” (samaan), or “ضمائم” (zamaem).

Synonyms of Appurtenance:

  • Accessory – ملحقہ
  • Attachment – منسلکہ
  • Appendage – ضمیمہ
  • Accoutrement – سازوسامان

Antonyms of Appurtenance:

  • Detachment – علیحدگی
  • Separation – علیحدگی
  • Isolation – علیحدگی
  • Disconnection – علیحدگی

Nearby Words:

  • Appurtenant (adjective) – منسلک
  • Appurtenances (plural noun) – ضمائم
  • Appurtenancy (noun) – منسلکیت
  • Appurtenantly (adverb) – منسلک طور پر

Origin of the Word Appurtenance:

The word appurtenance originated from the Middle English word “appurtenaunce,” which came from the Old French word “apertenir,” meaning “to belong to.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The swimming pool and the surrounding deck are considered appurtenances of the luxurious villa. (مسبح اور اس کے گرد کا ڈیک ممتاز ویلا کے ضمائم سمجھے جاتے ہیں۔)
  2. The car came with various appurtenances, including a GPS system and leather seats. (گاڑی کے ساتھ مختلف ضمائم بھی تھیں، جن میں جی پی ایس سسٹم اور چمڑے کی سیٹیں شامل تھیں۔)

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