
Appropriation Meaning in Urdu: Understanding the Concept

Appropriation, pronounced as “uh-proh-pree-ey-shuhn,” is a term that holds significant importance in various fields, including law, finance, and art. In Urdu, appropriation can be translated into multiple meanings, such as تخصیص (takhsis), استعمال (istemaal), and حصول (hasool).

Synonyms of Appropriation:

  • Allocation – تقسیم (taqseem)
  • Assignment – تفویض (tafwiz)
  • Seizure – ضبط (zabt)
  • Acquisition – حصول (hasool)

Antonyms of Appropriation:

  • Release – رہائی (rihaai)
  • Return – واپسی (waapsi)
  • Restitution – تلافی (talaafi)
  • Abandonment – ترک (tark)

Nearby Words:

  • Appropriate (verb) – مناسب (munasib)
  • Appropriately (adverb) – مناسب طور پر (munasib tor par)
  • Appropriateness (noun) – مناسبت (munasabat)
  • Appropriator (noun) – تخصیص کنندہ (takhsis kundah)

Origin of the Word Appropriation:

The word “appropriation” originated from the Latin word “appropriare,” which means “to make one’s own.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century and has since evolved to encompass various meanings and applications.

Examples Sentences:

  • He made an appropriation of funds for the project. (وہ نے منصوبے کے لئے رقم کا تخصیص کیا)
  • The artist’s work was an appropriation of traditional motifs. (فنکار کا کام روایتی نمونوں کا استعمال تھا)
  • The government announced the appropriation of new lands for agricultural purposes. (حکومت نے زرعی مقاصد کے لئے نئے زمینوں کا حصول کرنے کا اعلان کیا)

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources:


By understanding the meaning and implications of appropriation, individuals can navigate various contexts with clarity and make informed decisions.

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