
Appraise Meaning in Urdu: اندازہ لگانا

Appraise is a verb that means to assess or evaluate the value, quality, or importance of something. In Urdu, it is translated as “اندازہ لگانا”.

Synonyms of Appraise:

  • Assess – تشخیص کرنا
  • Evaluate – تشخیص کرنا
  • Judge – تشخیص کرنا
  • Rate – درجہ دینا

Antonyms of Appraise:

  • Ignore – نظر انداز کرنا
  • Disregard – نظر انداز کرنا
  • Underestimate – تخمینہ کم کرنا
  • Undervalue – قدر کم کرنا

Nearby Words:

  • Appraisal (Noun) – اندازہ
  • Appraiser (Noun) – اندازہ لگانے والا
  • Appraised (Adjective) – اندازہ لگایا گیا
  • Appraising (Adjective) – اندازہ لگانے والا

Origin of the Word Appraise:

The word “appraise” originated from the Middle English word “appraisen” which means to set a value on. It is derived from the Old French word “apreisier” which means to appraise or set a price on.

Example Sentences:

  1. He asked the jeweler to appraise the value of the diamond. (وہ نے جواہراتی سے مانگا کہ وہ ہیرے کی قدر اندازہ لگائے)
  2. The teacher will appraise the students’ performance in the exam. (اسٹوڈنٹس کی پرفارمنس کا اندازہ استاد کریں گے)

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