appellate jurisdiction

Appellate Jurisdiction Meaning in Urdu: اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن کا مطلب

Appellate jurisdiction, pronounced as “uh-pel-it jur-is-dik-shun,” refers to the authority of a higher court to review and revise decisions made by lower courts. In Urdu, it can be translated as “اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن کا مطلب”. Here are a few meanings of appellate jurisdiction in Urdu:

  1. اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن: The power of a higher court to hear appeals from lower courts.
  2. اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن: The right to review and change decisions made by lower courts.
  3. اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن: The appellate court’s authority to hear and decide on appeals.

Synonyms of Appellate Jurisdiction:

1. Appellate Authority (اپیلیٹ اختیار)

2. Appellate Power (اپیلیٹ طاقت)

3. Appellate Review (اپیلیٹ جائزہ)

Antonyms of Appellate Jurisdiction:

1. Original Jurisdiction (اصلی جرسڈکشن): The power of a court to hear a case for the first time.

2. Trial Jurisdiction (مقدمہ جرسڈکشن): The authority of a court to conduct trials and make initial decisions.

3. Inferior Jurisdiction (خفیف جرسڈکشن): The jurisdiction of lower courts.

Nearby Words:

1. Appeal (Noun) – اپیل: A request to a higher court for a review of a decision made by a lower court.

2. Appellant (Noun) – اپیل کرنے والا: A person who files an appeal.

3. Appellate (Adjective) – اپیلیٹ: Relating to or having the power to review and revise decisions made by lower courts.

Origin of the Word Appellate Jurisdiction:

The word “appellate” originated from the Latin word “appellare,” meaning “to call upon” or “to appeal.” “Jurisdiction” comes from the Latin word “iurisdictio,” which means “the act of speaking the law.” Together, “appellate jurisdiction” refers to the power of a higher court to hear appeals.

Example Sentences:

1. The Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over decisions made by the lower courts. (عدالت عظمیٰ کو نچلی عدالتوں کے فیصلوں پر اپیلیٹ جرسڈکشن ہوتی ہے۔)

2. The appellant exercised their right to appeal the judgment of the trial court. (اپیل کرنے والے نے مقدمہ عدالت کے فیصلے کی اپیل کا استعمال کیا۔)

3. The appellate court reviewed the evidence and overturned the lower court’s decision. (اپیلیٹ عدالت نے ثبوت کا جائزہ لیا اور نچلی عدالت کے فیصلے کو منسوخ کیا۔)

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