
Apocalypse Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Depths of the Word

The word “apocalypse” is often associated with cataclysmic events and the end of the world. Pronounced as uh-pok-uh-lips, it has its roots in Greek, where “apo” means “un” or “away from” and “kalyptein” means “to cover.” In Urdu, the word “apocalypse” can be translated into several meanings:

Meanings in Urdu:

  • تباہی کا وقت (Time of Destruction)
  • عظیم تباہی (Great Destruction)
  • قیامت کا دن (Day of Judgment)


Similar words that can be used interchangeably with “apocalypse” include:

  • تباہی (Tabahi) – Noun
  • فنا (Fana) – Noun
  • تباہ کن (Tabah Kun) – Adjective


On the contrary, the following words convey the opposite meaning of “apocalypse” in Urdu:

  • نجات (Nijat) – Noun (Salvation)
  • بچاو (Bachao) – Noun (Rescue)
  • تحفظ (Tahafuz) – Noun (Protection)

Origin and Usage:

The word “apocalypse” originated from Greek and has been used in various religious and cultural contexts. It is often associated with the biblical book of Revelation, which describes the end times. In modern usage, “apocalypse” refers to any catastrophic event or a revelation of great significance.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The earthquake brought about an apocalypse, leaving the city in ruins. (زلزلہ نے تباہی کا وقت لے آیا، شہر کو خاک میں ملا دیا۔)
  2. He predicted an apocalypse that would change the course of history. (انہوں نے ایک تباہی کا وقت پیش کیا جو تاریخ کی روشنی میں تبدیلی لا سکتی ہے۔)
  3. The apocalypse mentioned in religious texts signifies the Day of Judgment. (مذہبی متون میں ذکر شدہ قیامت کا دن کا تشریعی معنی ہے۔)

For further exploration of the word “apocalypse,” you can refer to dictionary.com, wikipedia.org, and thefreedictionary.com.