
Anthropomorphism: Giving Human Characteristics to Non-Human Entities

Anthropomorphism, pronounced as an-thruh-puh-mawr-fiz-uhm, is a term derived from the Greek words “anthropos” meaning human and “morphe” meaning form. It refers to the attribution of human characteristics, behaviors, or emotions to non-human entities such as animals, objects, or natural phenomena.

Meaning of Anthropomorphism in Urdu

  • انسانیت کا تشبیہ
  • غیر انسانی موجودات کو انسانی خصوصیات دینا
  • غیر انسانی چیزوں کو انسانی طرز عمل کا حامل بنانا

Synonyms of Anthropomorphism

  • Personification – شخصیت دینا
  • Humanization – انسانیت کا تشبیہ
  • Humanization – انسانی خصوصیات دینا

Antonyms of Anthropomorphism

  • Dehumanization – غیر انسانی بنانا
  • Objectification – چیزوں کا تشبیہ
  • Dehumanization – غیر انسانی طرز عمل کا حامل بنانا

Nearby Words

  • Anthropologist (Noun) – انسانیاتی علم کا ماہر
  • Anthropology (Noun) – انسانیات
  • Anthropomorphic (Adjective) – انسانی خصوصیات رکھنے والا

Origin of the Word Anthropomorphism

The term “anthropomorphism” originated from the Greek philosophical tradition and was later adopted by various fields, including literature, art, and religion. It gained prominence during the Renaissance period when artists and writers began depicting non-human entities with human characteristics.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • The children’s book portrayed talking animals, an example of anthropomorphism. (بچوں کی کتاب میں بات کرتے ہوئے جانوروں کا تصور، انسانیت کا تشبیہ کا ایک مثال)
  • In ancient mythology, gods were often depicted with human-like qualities, showcasing anthropomorphism. (قدیم دیوتاؤں کو عموماً انسانی خصوصیات کے ساتھ تصویر کیا جاتا تھا، انسانیت کا تشبیہ کا نمونہ)

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