
Anteriorly Meaning in Urdu: اگلے حصے میں

Anteriorly is an adverb that is pronounced as “an-tee-uh-ral-ee”. It is derived from the word “anterior” which means “situated before or at the front”. In Urdu, anteriorly can be translated into multiple meanings:

  1. اگلے حصے میں
  2. سامنے والا حصہ
  3. پہلے

Synonyms of Anteriorly:

1. Before (Urdu: پہلے) – Antonym: بعد میں

2. In front (Urdu: سامنے) – Antonym: پیچھے

3. Prior to (Urdu: سے پہلے) – Antonym: بعد میں

Nearby Words:

1. Anterior (Noun) – سامنے والا حصہ

2. Anterior (Adjective) – سامنے والا

3. Anteriority (Noun) – پہلے ہونے کی حالت

Origin of the Word Anteriorly:

The word anteriorly is derived from the Latin word “anterior” which means “before”. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The heart is located anteriorly in the chest. (دل سینے کے اگلے حصے میں واقع ہوتا ہے۔)

2. The patient experienced pain in the anteriorly positioned joint. (مریض کو سامنے والے جوڑ میں درد محسوس ہوا۔)

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