
Antelopes: Meaning and Pronunciation in Urdu

Antelopes, known as “Hiran” in Urdu, are graceful and swift animals found in various parts of the world. They belong to the family Bovidae and are known for their slender bodies, long legs, and distinct horns.

Meanings of Antelopes in Urdu:

  • ہرن: Hiran
  • چیتال: Chital
  • گز: Gaz

Synonyms of Antelopes:

1. Synonyms:

  • Deer: ہرن
  • Gazelle: چیتال
  • Gnu: گنو

Antonyms of Antelopes:

1. Antonyms:

  • Lion: شیر (Sheer)
  • Tiger: ببر (Babar)
  • Leopard: چیتا (Cheeta)

Nearby Words:

1. Parts of Speech: Noun

  • Antecedent: پہلے کا (Pehle Ka)
  • Antenna: ریڈار (Radar)
  • Antagonist: مخالف (Mukhalif)

Origin of the Word Antelopes:

The word “antelope” originated from the Latin word “antalopus” and Greek word “antholops.” It was later adopted into English during the 14th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The hiran gracefully leaped over the grasslands. (ہرن ہریاں میدانوں پر خوبصورتی سے کودتا تھا۔)

2. The chital grazed peacefully in the meadow. (چیتال میدان میں اطمینان سے چرتی تھی۔)

For more information about antelopes, you can visit the following websites: