
Anomalies Meaning in Urdu: Definitions and Pronunciation

Anomalies, pronounced as [uh-nom-uh-lees], is a noun that refers to something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected. In Urdu, anomalies can be understood in various ways:

Meanings of Anomalies in Urdu:

  • غیر معمولیت (Ghair Mamooliyat)
  • غیر معیاریت (Ghair Ma’ayariyat)
  • غیر روایتی (Ghair Riwayati)

Synonyms of Anomalies:

1. Abnormalities – غیر معمولیت (Ghair Mamooliyat)

2. Irregularities – غیر معیاریت (Ghair Ma’ayariyat)

3. Deviations – ہٹاو (Hatao)

Antonyms of Anomalies:

1. Norms – معیار (Ma’yar)

2. Standards – معیار (Ma’yar)

3. Conformities – موافقت (Mawafiqat)

Nearby Words:

1. Anomaly (Noun) – غیر معمولیت (Ghair Mamooliyat)

2. Anomalistic (Adjective) – غیر روایتی (Ghair Riwayati)

3. Anomalously (Adverb) – غیر معمولی طور پر (Ghair Mamooli Tor Par)

Origin of the Word Anomalies:

The word “anomalies” originated from the Latin word “anomalus,” which means irregular or uneven. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

1. The sudden drop in temperature was an anomaly for this time of year. (اس سال کے اس وقت کا درجہ حرارت کا اچانک کم ہونا غیر معمولیت تھا۔)

2. The financial records showed several anomalies that raised suspicions. (مالی ریکارڈز میں کئی غیر معمولیتیں ظاہر ہوئیں جو شکوں کو بڑھا دیں۔)

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