animal spirits

Animal Spirits Meaning in Urdu: Exploring the Essence of Life

Animal spirits, known as “روح حیوانی” in Urdu, encompass a fascinating concept that delves into the essence of life and the energy that drives living beings. Let’s explore the various meanings, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, origin, and examples of animal spirits.

Meanings of Animal Spirits in Urdu:

  • روح حیوانی: The vital force or energy that animates living creatures.
  • جانوروں کی روح: The lively and energetic nature exhibited by animals.
  • طبع حیوانی: The instinctive and spontaneous behavior observed in animals.

Synonyms of Animal Spirits:

1. Vitality (توانائی)

2. Enthusiasm (جوش)

3. Vigor (توانائی)

Antonyms of Animal Spirits:

1. Lethargy (سستی)

2. Apathy (بے حسی)

3. Dullness (کمزوری)

Nearby Words:

1. Animal (noun) – جانور

2. Spirit (noun) – روح

3. Meaning (noun) – معنی

Origin of the Word Animal Spirits:

The term “animal spirits” originated from the Latin phrase “spiritus animalis,” which referred to the vital principle or soul believed to animate the body. This concept was prominent in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy.

Example Sentences:

1. The cheetah’s animal spirits were evident as it sprinted across the savannah. (چیتا کی روح حیوانی کا ظاہر ہونا آسان تھا جب وہ سوانا پر دوڑ رہا تھا۔)

2. The circus performance was filled with the animal spirits of the trained elephants. (سرکس کی پیشکش میں تربیت یافتہ ہاتھیوں کی روح حیوانی سے بھری ہوئی تھی۔)

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