
Anil Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation, Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Examples

Anil Pronunciation: [uh-nil]

Anil Meaning in Urdu:

1. انیل – A deep blue dye or pigment

2. نیل – Indigo plant or indigo dye

3. نیلی رنگ – Deep blue color

Synonyms of Anil:

1. Indigo

2. Blue

3. Azure

Antonyms of Anil:

1. سفید – White

2. سرخ – Red

3. زرد – Yellow

Nearby Words:

1. Aniline (Noun) – انیلین: A colorless oily liquid used in the manufacture of dyes

2. Anility (Noun) – بھولا پن: The state of being foolish or old-fashioned

3. Animal (Noun) – جانور: A living organism that feeds on organic matter

Origin of the Word Anil:

The word “anil” originated from the Spanish word “anil” or “añil,” which means indigo. It was later adopted into English and other languages.

Example Sentences:

1. She dyed her dress with anil to achieve a deep blue color. (وہ نے اپنا کپڑا انیل سے رنگا ہوا تھا تاکہ گہری نیلی رنگ ملے۔)

2. The indigo plant is commonly used to produce anil dye. (نیل کا پودا عام طور پر انیل رنگ بنانے کے لئے استعمال ہوتا ہے۔)

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