
Angina Meaning in Urdu: Pronunciation, Definitions, and More

Angina, pronounced as “an-jahy-nuh,” is a medical term used to describe chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to the heart muscles. In Urdu, angina can be translated as “دل کا درد” (dil ka dard) or “سینے کا درد” (seenay ka dard).

Synonyms of Angina:

  • Heartache – دل کا درد (dil ka dard)
  • Chest pain – سینے کا درد (seenay ka dard)
  • Cardiac pain – قلبی درد (qalbi dard)

Antonyms of Angina:

  • Relief – آرام (aaram)
  • Comfort – سکون (sukoon)
  • Pleasure – خوشی (khushi)

Nearby Words:

  • Angiogram (noun) – انجیوگرام (angiogram)
  • Angioplasty (noun) – انجیوپلاسٹی (angioplasty)
  • Angiotensin (noun) – اینجیوٹینسن (angiotensin)

Origin of the Word Angina:

The word “angina” originated from the Latin word “angere,” meaning “to choke” or “strangle.” It was first used in the medical context in the 18th century to describe the sensation of chest pain.

Example Sentences:

  1. He experienced angina after climbing the stairs. (وہ نے سیڑھیاں چڑھنے کے بعد دل کا درد محسوس کیا۔)
  2. The doctor prescribed medication to relieve his angina. (ڈاکٹر نے اس کو دل کے درد کو کم کرنے کیلئے دوائی کی تجویز کی۔)

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