
Amputated Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings

The word “amputated” is pronounced as “am-pyoo-tey-tid” and has multiple meanings in Urdu. Some of the meanings include:

1. کٹا ہوا (Kata Hua)

Meaning: Something that has been cut off or removed, usually referring to a body part.

Synonyms: کاٹنا (Kaṭna)

Antonyms: مکمل (Mukammal)

Nearby Words: کٹا ہوا ہاتھ (Kata Hua Haath) – Amputated Hand (Noun)

2. تراشا ہوا (Tarasha Hua)

Meaning: Something that has been trimmed or pruned.

Synonyms: کاٹنا (Kaṭna)

Antonyms: بڑھانا (Barhana)

Nearby Words: تراشا ہوا درخت (Tarasha Hua Darakht) – Amputated Tree (Noun)

Origin of the Word Amputated

The word “amputated” originated from the Latin word “amputatus,” which means “cut off.” It entered the English language in the mid-17th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The doctor had to amputate his leg due to a severe injury. (ڈاکٹر کو بہت زیادہ زخم کی وجہ سے اس کی ٹانگ کاٹنی پڑی)

2. The gardener amputated the overgrown branches of the tree. (باغبان نے درخت کے بڑھے ہوئے شاخوں کو کاٹ دیا)

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