
Amnesties Meaning in Urdu: اعتبار

Amnesties, pronounced as “am-nuh-steez,” is a noun that refers to the act of granting pardon or forgiveness, especially by a government or authority. In Urdu, it is commonly known as “اعتبار” which means forgiveness or remission of punishment.

Synonyms of Amnesties:

  • Forgiveness – معافی
  • Pardon – معافی
  • Remission – عفو
  • Exemption – معافی

Antonyms of Amnesties:

  • Punishment – سزا
  • Conviction – سزا کا حکم
  • Penalty – جرمانہ
  • Retribution – سزا کا انتقام

Nearby Words:

  • Amnesty (Noun) – عفو
  • Amnestied (Verb) – عفو کرنا
  • Amnestying (Verb) – عفو کرنا

Origin of the Word Amnesties:

The word “amnesties” originated from the Greek word “amnestia,” meaning “forgetfulness” or “pardon.” It entered the English language in the mid-16th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. The government announced amnesties for political prisoners. (حکومت نے سیاسی قیدیوں کے لئے عفو کا اعلان کیا)
  2. She received amnesty for her past crimes. (اس نے اپنے گزشتہ جرائم کے لئے عفو حاصل کیا)

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