
Allover Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The word “allover” is pronounced as /ˈɔːləʊvər/ in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “poora” or “tamam”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • Poora – پورا
  • Tamam – تمام

Origin of the Word Allover

The word “allover” originated from the combination of the words “all” and “over”. It is used to describe something that covers or affects every part or aspect of a particular thing or situation.

Synonyms of Allover

Some synonyms of “allover” include:

  • Throughout – پوری طرح سے
  • Everywhere – ہر جگہ
  • Completely – مکمل طور پر
  • Entirely – مکمل طور پر


Antonyms of “allover” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Partial – جزوی
  • Incomplete – ناقص
  • Limited – محدود
  • Restricted – محدود

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “allover” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Allot (verb) – تقسیم کرنا
  • Allotment (noun) – تقسیم
  • Allow (verb) – اجازت دینا
  • Allowance (noun) – اجازت

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • The raincoat protected her from getting wet allover. (بارش کوٹ اسے مکمل طور پر گیلا ہونے سے بچاتا تھا۔)
  • He painted the walls allover with vibrant colors. (اس نے دیواروں کو رنگین رنگوں سے پوری طرح پینٹ کیا۔)

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