
Alliterations: The Art of Phonetic Repetition

Alliterations are a fascinating linguistic device that adds rhythm and musicality to language. Derived from the Latin word “ad litteram,” meaning “according to the letter,” alliterations involve the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of neighboring words or stressed syllables. This technique is commonly used in poetry, literature, and advertising to create a memorable and melodic effect.

Pronunciation of Alliterations

The word “alliterations” is pronounced as /əˌlɪtəˈreɪʃənz/ in English.

Meaning of Alliterations in Urdu

In Urdu, alliterations are known as “تکرار حرفِ تہجی” (Takrar-e-Harf-e-Tahajji) or “حرفِ تہجی کی تکرار” (Harf-e-Tahajji Ki Takrar).

Origin of the Word Alliterations

The term “alliterations” originated from the Latin word “ad litteram,” which means “according to the letter.” It entered the English language in the 17th century.

Synonyms of Alliterations

1. Repetition (تکرار) – Noun

2. Assonance (ہم آوازی) – Noun

3. Consonance (ہم آوازی) – Noun

Antonyms of Alliterations

1. Dissonance (ناہم آوازی) – Noun

2. Incoherence (بے ربطی) – Noun

3. Silence (خاموشی) – Noun

Nearby Words

1. Allegory (تمثیل) – Noun

2. Allergic (الرجی) – Adjective

3. Allocate (تفویض کرنا) – Verb

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. The slippery snake silently slithered through the grass. (چپکے سے نچلے ہوئے سانپ نے گھاس میں رسنا کیا)

2. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. (پیٹر پائپر نے ایک پیک کھچری مرچیں چنیں)

3. She sells seashells by the seashore. (وہ سمندر کنارے سمندری مچھلیاں بیچتی ہے)

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