
Alki Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Alki is pronounced as “al-kee” in English. In Urdu, it is written as الکی.

Meanings in Urdu

  • الکی کرنا – to pretend
  • جعلی – fake
  • نقلی – counterfeit

Origin of the Word Alki

The word “alki” originated from the English slang term “alcoholic.” It is commonly used to refer to someone who pretends to be drunk or intoxicated.

Synonyms of Alki

Some synonyms of alki include:

  • Imposter
  • Pretender
  • Charlatan
  • Phony


Antonyms of alki with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Genuine – اصلی
  • Authentic – مستند
  • Real – حقیقی

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to alki with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Alkali (noun) – شورہ
  • Alkaline (adjective) – شورے کا
  • Alkalinity (noun) – شورے پن
  • Alkalinize (verb) – شورہ ڈالنا

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  • He always tries to alki in front of his friends. (وہ ہمیشہ اپنے دوستوں کے سامنے الکی کرنے کی کوشش کرتا ہے۔)
  • Don’t trust him, he is an alki. (اس پر بھروسہ نہ کریں، وہ جعلی ہے۔)
  • She was accused of alki behavior at the party. (اسے پارٹی میں الکی رویہ کا الزام لگایا گیا۔)

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