
Agaze Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Pronunciation: uh-geyz

Meaning in Urdu: اُدھر مُدھر، بے حواس، بے توجہ

Origin of the Word Agaze

The word “agaze” originated from the Middle English word “agasten,” which means “to terrify” or “to astonish.” Over time, it evolved to its current form, carrying the meaning of being wide-eyed or staring intently.

Synonyms of Agaze

Some synonyms of “agaze” include:

  • Staring
  • Gazing
  • Wide-eyed
  • Absorbed
  • Engrossed

Antonyms of Agaze

Antonyms of “agaze” with their meanings in Urdu:

  • Uninterested – بے دلچسپ
  • Indifferent – بے پروا
  • Unobservant – بے خبر
  • Inattentive – غافل

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “agaze” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Agaze (adjective) – اُدھر مُدھر، بے حواس، بے توجہ
  • Agaze (adverb) – اُدھر مُدھر، بے حواس، بے توجہ
  • Agaze (verb) – اُدھر مُدھر، بے حواس، بے توجہ

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “agaze” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • She sat agaze at the beautiful sunset. (وہ خوبصورت غروب آفتاب کی طرف اُدھر مُدھر بیٹھی رہی۔)
  • The child looked agaze at the fireworks display. (بچہ آتش بازی کی تقریب کی طرف اُدھر مُدھر دیکھ رہا تھا۔)
  • He stood agaze, unable to comprehend what had just happened. (وہ اُدھر مُدھر کھڑا ہوا، جو کچھ ابھی ہوا تھا وہ سمجھ نہیں آ رہا تھا۔)


For more information on the word “agaze,” you can refer to the following sources: