against the clock

Against the Clock: A Race Against Time

Against the clock pronunciation: /əˈɡɛnst ðə klɒk/

Against the clock meaning in Urdu: وقت کے خلاف

Against the clock is an idiomatic expression used to describe a situation where someone is racing against time to complete a task or achieve a goal. It signifies a sense of urgency and pressure, as if time is running out.

Origin of the word against the clock

The phrase “against the clock” originated from the world of sports, particularly horse racing. In horse racing, the clock is used to measure the time taken by each horse to complete a race. Jockeys and trainers strive to beat the clock, setting records and achieving faster times.

Synonyms of against the clock

1. Time-sensitive

2. Urgent

3. Pressing

4. Race against time


1. Relaxed – آرام سے

2. Leisurely – آرام سے

3. Unhurried – بے جلدی سے

4. Slow-paced – آہستہ رفتار

Nearby words

1. Against – خلاف (Preposition)

2. Aggravate – بگاڑنا (Verb)

3. Aggression – حملہ (Noun)

4. Agitate – پریشان کرنا (Verb)

Examples sentences with Urdu meaning

1. He worked against the clock to finish the project before the deadline. (وہ مہلت سے پہلے منصوبے کو ختم کرنے کے لئے وقت کے خلاف کام کرتا رہا۔)

2. The doctor had to operate against the clock to save the patient’s life. (ڈاکٹر کو مریض کی زندگی بچانے کے لئے وقت کے خلاف آپریشن کرنا پڑا۔)

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