
Addle Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Addle is a word that is commonly used in the English language. It is pronounced as “ad-l” with the stress on the first syllable. In Urdu, addle can be translated into multiple meanings, including:

  • بے ترتیب (be tarteeb)
  • بے ہوش (be hosh)
  • بے سمجھ (be samajh)
  • مذبذب (muzabzib)

Origin of the Word Addle

The word addle originated from the Old English word “adol,” which means foul or putrid. Over time, its meaning evolved to refer to something that is confused, muddled, or in a state of decay.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of addle include confused, muddled, bewildered, and disoriented. On the other hand, antonyms of addle include clear, focused, intelligent, and sensible.

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to addle, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Addled (adjective) – بے ترتیب (be tarteeb)
  • Addling (verb) – بے سمجھ کرنا (be samajh karna)
  • Addlement (noun) – بے ترتیبی (be tarteebi)

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences that demonstrate the usage of addle along with their Urdu meanings:

  • His addle mind couldn’t comprehend the complexity of the situation. (اس کا بے سمجھ دماغ مشکل صورتحال کو سمجھ نہیں سکا۔)
  • The addled eggs emitted a foul odor. (بے ترتیب انڈے بدبودار خارج کر رہے تھے۔)
  • She felt addled after staying up all night studying. (رات بھر پڑھائی کرنے کے بعد وہ بے ہوش محسوس کر رہی تھی۔)

For further information and detailed definitions, you can refer to the following sources: