
Addiction: Understanding the Pronunciation and Meaning

Pronunciation of Addiction

The word “addiction” is pronounced as uh-dik-shuhn.

Meaning of Addiction in Urdu

In Urdu, addiction can be translated into multiple meanings:

  1. نشہ (Nasha)
  2. لت (Lat)
  3. عادت (Aadat)
  4. تسکین (Taskin)

Origin of the Word Addiction

The word “addiction” originated from the Latin word “addictus,” which means “to devote” or “to surrender.” It was later adopted into English during the 16th century.

Synonyms of Addiction

Some synonyms of addiction include:

  • Dependency
  • Craving
  • Obsession
  • Compulsion

Antonyms of Addiction

Antonyms of addiction in Urdu:

  • بے عادت (Be Aadat)
  • ناشوق (Nashooq)
  • ناشہ (Nasha)
  • ناشہ کشی (Nasha Kashi)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to addiction:

  • Adjective (صفت) – Safat
  • Addict (نشہ کرنے والا) – Nasha Karne Wala
  • Addicted (نشہ کرنے والا) – Nasha Karne Wala
  • Addictive (نشہ آور) – Nasha Awar

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word “addiction” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. His addiction to gambling led to his financial ruin. (اس کی جوا کھیلنے کی عادت نے اس کو مالی تباہی کا شکار بنا دیا۔)
  2. She struggled to overcome her addiction to cigarettes. (وہ سگریٹ کی عادت سے نجات حاصل کرنے کی کوشش کرتی رہی۔)
  3. His addiction to social media affected his productivity. (اس کی سوشل میڈیا کی عادت نے اس کی پیداوار پر اثر انداز کیا۔)

For more information on the word “addiction,” you can visit the following websites: