
Pronunciation and Meaning of Across

The word “across” is pronounced as uh-kraws in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “darmiyan” or “sair karne wala”.

Meanings in Urdu

  • “Darmiyan” – دَرمیان
  • “Sair Karne Wala” – سیر کرنے والا

Origin of the Word Across

The word “across” originated from Middle English and Old English. It is derived from the combination of the prefix “a-” meaning “on” or “in” and the word “cross” meaning “to go from one side to another”.

Synonyms of Across

Some synonyms of “across” include:

  • Through
  • Over
  • Beyond
  • Transversely


Antonyms of “across” include:

  • “Within” – اندر
  • “Inside” – اندر

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “across” are:

  • “Cross” (noun) – تیراکی
  • “Cross” (verb) – پار کرنا
  • “Crossbar” (noun) – کراس بار
  • “Crossbow” (noun) – کراس بو

Example Sentences

  • “I walked across the street to reach the park.” (میں نے پارک تک سڑک پار چل کر پہنچا۔)
  • “She swam across the river effortlessly.” (وہ بغیر کسی مشکل کے دریا پار کر گئی۔)


For more information about the word “across,” you can visit the following sources:

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