
Acquired Pronunciation: A Guide to Perfecting Your Speech

Acquired Meaning in Urdu

اکٹھا کرنا (Gather), حاصل کرنا (Obtain), حاصل کیا ہوا (Obtained)

Origin of the Word Acquired

The word “acquired” originates from the Latin word “acquirere,” which means “to gain” or “to obtain.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Synonyms of Acquired

1. Obtained (حاصل کیا ہوا)
2. Gained (حاصل کیا ہوا)
3. Attained (حاصل کیا ہوا)
4. Procured (حاصل کیا ہوا)
5. Collected (اکٹھا کیا ہوا)


1. Lost (کھو دیا)
2. Surrendered (تسلیم کیا)
3. Forfeited (ضائع کیا)
4. Relinquished (چھوڑ دیا)
5. Abandoned (ترک کیا)

Nearby Words

1. Acquisition (Noun) – حاصل کرنے کا عمل
2. Acquirer (Noun) – حاصل کرنے والا
3. Acquisitive (Adjective) – حاصل کرنے والا
4. Acquisitiveness (Noun) – حاصل کرنے کی خواہش
5. Acquisitively (Adverb) – حاصل کرنے کے طور پر

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

1. She acquired a new skill. (انہوں نے ایک نئی مہارت حاصل کی)
2. He acquired wealth through hard work. (انہوں نے محنت کے ذریعے دولت حاصل کی)
3. The company acquired a smaller firm. (کمپنی نے ایک چھوٹی فرم حاصل کی)
4. They acquired knowledge from their teacher. (انہوں نے اپنے استاد سے علم حاصل کیا)
5. She acquired a taste for adventure. (انہوں نے مہم جوئی کا مزہ حاصل کیا)

For more information on the word “acquired,” you can visit the following websites: