academic council

Academic Council Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

The Academic Council, pronounced as “ak-uh-dem-ik koun-suhl,” is an important body in educational institutions. In Urdu, it is known as “تعلیمی کونسل” (Taleemi Council) or “تعلیمی مجلس” (Taleemi Majlis).

Origin of the Word Academic Council

The word “academic” originates from the Latin word “acadēmicus,” which means “pertaining to a school.” The term “council” comes from the Latin word “concilium,” meaning “an assembly of people.” Therefore, the Academic Council refers to a group of individuals associated with educational institutions who make important decisions regarding academic matters.

Synonyms of Academic Council

Some synonyms of Academic Council include:

  • Educational Board
  • Academic Committee
  • Academic Senate
  • Faculty Council

Antonyms of Academic Council

Antonyms of Academic Council in Urdu:

  • غیر تعلیمی کونسل (Ghair Taleemi Council) – Non-Academic Council
  • غیر تعلیمی مجلس (Ghair Taleemi Majlis) – Non-Academic Assembly

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Academic Council with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Academic (adjective) – تعلیمی (Taleemi)
  • Council (noun) – کونسل (Council)
  • Education (noun) – تعلیم (Taleem)
  • Institution (noun) – ادارہ (Idara)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using Academic Council with their Urdu meanings:

  • The Academic Council approved the new curriculum. (تعلیمی کونسل نے نئے نصاب کو منظور کیا)
  • The decisions of the Academic Council are binding for all faculty members. (تعلیمی کونسل کے فیصلے تمام اساتذہ کے لئے لازمی ہیں)

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