absolute humidity

Absolute Humidity Pronunciation

Absolute humidity is pronounced as “ab-suh-loot hyoo-mid-i-tee”.

Absolute Humidity Meaning in Urdu

Absolute humidity is known as “مطلق نمی” in Urdu. It refers to the measure of water vapor present in the air, expressed in grams per cubic meter.

Origin of the Word Absolute Humidity

The term “absolute humidity” originated from the Latin word “absolutus,” meaning “loosened” or “separated,” and the word “humidity,” which refers to the presence of moisture in the air.

Synonyms of Absolute Humidity

Some synonyms of absolute humidity include:

  • Moisture content
  • Vapor density
  • Water vapor concentration

Antonyms of Absolute Humidity

Antonyms of absolute humidity in Urdu:

  • خشکی (Dryness)
  • کم نمی (Low humidity)
  • ناپیدی (Aridity)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to absolute humidity are:

  • Noun: Moisture (نمی)
  • Noun: Humidifier (نماکار)
  • Adjective: Humid (نم)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences that illustrate the usage of absolute humidity:

  1. مطلق نمی کی مقدار موسم کی گرمی اور برفانی کی شدت پر منحصر ہوتی ہے۔ (The amount of absolute humidity depends on the heat and intensity of the snowfall.)
  2. مطلق نمی کی پیمائش کے لئے ہم ہائیگرومیٹر کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔ (We use a hygrometer to measure absolute humidity.)
  3. مطلق نمی کی کمی سے آپ کو خشکی کا احساس ہوتا ہے۔ (A decrease in absolute humidity gives you a sense of dryness.)

For more information on absolute humidity, you can visit the following websites: