
Abnormalities: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abnormalities are deviations or irregularities from what is considered normal or typical. In Urdu, abnormalities can be referred to as “غیر معمولیت” (ghair mamooliyat), “غیر فطری” (ghair fitri), or “غیر معیاری” (ghair maiyari). These terms encompass the concept of something being abnormal or unusual.

Origin of the Word Abnormalities

The word “abnormalities” originated from the Latin word “abnormalis,” which means “departing from the rule.” It combines the prefix “ab-” (meaning “away from” or “off”) and the word “normalis” (meaning “according to a rule” or “standard”).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for abnormalities include “anomalies,” “irregularities,” “deviations,” and “aberrations.” In Urdu, synonyms can be “غیر معمولی” (ghair mamooli), “غیر عادی” (ghair aadi), or “غیر معتاد” (ghair mutad). Antonyms of abnormalities include “normalcy,” “regularity,” “conformity,” and “typicality.” In Urdu, antonyms can be “معمولیت” (mamooliyat), “عادت” (aadiyat), or “معتاد” (mutad).

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abnormalities include:

  • Abnormal: (Adjective) غیر معمولی (ghair mamooli)
  • Abnormally: (Adverb) غیر معمولی طور پر (ghair mamooli tor par)
  • Abnormality: (Noun) غیر معمولیت (ghair mamooliyat)
  • Abnormalities: (Noun) غیر معمولیتیں (ghair mamooliyatein)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the word “abnormalities” in Urdu:

  • میں نے اپنے آپ کو غیر معمولیتوں سے بچانے کی کوشش کی۔ (I tried to save myself from abnormalities.)
  • غیر معمولیتوں کو سمجھنا اہم ہے۔ (Understanding abnormalities is important.)
  • ان غیر معمولیتوں کا علاج ممکن ہے۔ (Treatment for these abnormalities is possible.)


For more information on abnormalities, you can visit the following websites: