
Abjuring Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abjuring is a verb that is commonly used in the English language. It is pronounced as “ab-joo-ring” with the stress on the second syllable. The word has its origins in the Latin word “abjurare,” which means to deny or renounce. In Urdu, abjuring can be translated as “انکار کرنا” or “ترک کرنا”.

Synonyms of Abjuring

There are several synonyms for abjuring, including:

  • Renouncing (ترک کرنا)
  • Rejecting (انکار کرنا)
  • Disavowing (ترک کرنا)
  • Repudiating (انکار کرنا)

Antonyms of Abjuring

On the other hand, antonyms of abjuring include:

  • Accepting (قبول کرنا)
  • Embracing (قبول کرنا)
  • Adopting (قبول کرنا)
  • Acknowledging (قبول کرنا)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abjuring are:

  • Abjure (verb) – ترک کرنا
  • Abjured (adjective) – ترک شدہ
  • Abjuration (noun) – ترکی
  • Abjurer (noun) – ترک کرنے والا

Examples Sentences

Here are a few examples of sentences using abjuring with their Urdu translations:

  • He abjured his former beliefs. (وہ اپنے پرانے عقائد کو ترک کر دیا)
  • She abjured her allegiance to the organization. (اس نے تنظیم کے ساتھی پن کو ترک کر دیا)
  • They abjured their citizenship and moved to another country. (انہوں نے اپنی شہریت کو ترک کر دیا اور دوسرے ملک میں منتقل ہو گئے)

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