
Abigail Pronunciation

Abigail is pronounced as uh-bahy-guh l.

Abigail Meaning in Urdu

Abigail has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. عورت کا نوکرانی کرنے والی (Aurat ka nokrani karne wali) – A female servant
  2. بیوی کی خادم (Biwi ki khadim) – Wife’s servant
  3. بیوی کی خادمہ (Biwi ki khadima) – Wife’s maid

Origin of the Word Abigail

The word “Abigail” originated from the Hebrew name “Avigayil” which means “my father is joy” or “father’s joy”. It gained popularity as a given name in English-speaking countries during the 17th century.

Synonyms of Abigail

Some synonyms of Abigail include:

  • Handmaid
  • Servant
  • Maid
  • Domestic


Antonyms of Abigail with their meanings in Urdu:

  • مالکہ (Malika) – Mistress
  • مالک (Malik) – Master

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to Abigail with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Abide Verb برداشت کرنا (Bardasht karna)
Ability Noun صلاحیت (Salahiyat)
Abject Adjective ذلیل (Zaleel)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word Abigail along with their Urdu meanings:

  • Abigail is a loyal servant. (ابیگیل وفادار نوکرانی کرتی ہے۔)
  • The abigail took care of all the household chores. (نوکرانی کرنے والی نے گھریلو کاموں کا خیال رکھا۔)
  • She worked as an abigail for many years. (وہ بہت سالوں تک نوکرانی کرتی رہی۔)


For more information about the word Abigail, you can refer to the following sources: