
Abedofroses Pronunciation

The pronunciation of “abedofroses” is [uh-bed-uhv-roh-ziz].

Abedofroses Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “abedofroses” in Urdu is “گلابوں کے بستر پر”.

Some Meanings in Urdu:

  • گلابوں کے بستر پر
  • خوشیوں کا مقام
  • آرام دہ ہونا

Origin of the Word Abedofroses

The word “abedofroses” is a combination of the words “a bed of” and “roses.” It originated from the English language.

Synonyms of Abedofroses

Synonyms of “abedofroses” include:

  • Paradise
  • Heaven
  • Bliss
  • Utopia


Antonyms of “abedofroses” in Urdu:

  • دکھ کا مقام (Place of sorrow)
  • مشکلات کا سامنا (Facing difficulties)
  • تکلیف دہ (Painful)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words of “abedofroses” with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings:

  • Adjective: Comfortable – آرام دہ
  • Noun: Bed – بستر
  • Verb: Rest – آرام کرنا
  • Adverb: Peacefully – اطمینان سے

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

  1. She slept abedofroses. (وہ گلابوں کے بستر پر سوئی)
  2. After a long day, he found himself in abedofroses. (لمبے دن کے بعد، وہ خود کو خوشیوں کے مقام میں پایا)
  3. She wished her life could be like abedofroses. (اُس نے چاہا کہ اُس کی زندگی گلابوں کے بستر کی طرح ہو سکے)

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