
Appeasement Meaning in Urdu: اطمینان

Appeasement, pronounced as uh-peez-muhnt, is a noun that refers to the act of pacifying or satisfying someone by giving in to their demands. In Urdu, it is translated as “اطمینان” which means to bring peace or tranquility.

Synonyms of Appeasement:

  • Conciliation – مصالحت (masalihat)
  • Placation – تسکین (taskin)
  • Assuagement – آرام (aaram)

Antonyms of Appeasement:

  • Provocation – اشتعال (ishtiaal)
  • Agitation – بے چینی (bechaini)
  • Hostility – دشمنی (dushmani)

Nearby Words:

  • Appeal (noun) – اپیل (appeal)
  • Appeal (verb) – اپیل کرنا (appeal karna)
  • Appellant (noun) – اپیل کرنے والا (appeal karne wala)
  • Appellate (adjective) – اپیلی (appeali)

Origin of the Word:

The word “appeasement” originated from the Old French word “apaisement” which means “pacification” or “calming.” It entered the English language in the 19th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The government’s appeasement policy only fueled the aggressor’s ambitions. (حکومت کی اطمینان کی پالیسی نے صرف دشمن کی خواہشات کو بڑھا دیا۔)
  2. She tried to appease her crying baby by giving him a toy. (وہ اپنے روتے بچے کو ایک کھلونے سے اطمینان دینے کی کوشش کی۔)

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