
Antepenultimate Meaning in Urdu: انٹی پین الٹیمیٹ

Antepenultimate is a term used in linguistics to describe the third from the last syllable in a word. In Urdu, it is translated as “انٹی پین الٹیمیٹ”.

Synonyms of Antepenultimate:

  • Preantepenultimate – پرانٹی پین الٹیمیٹ
  • Third from the End – آخر سے تیسرا
  • Third Last – تیسرا آخری

Antonyms of Antepenultimate:

  • First – پہلا
  • Second – دوسرا
  • Last – آخری

Nearby Words:

  • Antecedent (Noun) – سابقہ
  • Antechamber (Noun) – انتظار گاہ
  • Antedate (Verb) – پہلے سے ہونا

Origin of the Word Antepenultimate:

The word “antepenultimate” originated from the Latin word “ante” meaning “before” and “penultimus” meaning “next to last”. It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. This is the antepenultimate chapter of the book. (یہ کتاب کا تیسرا آخری باب ہے۔)
  2. The stress falls on the antepenultimate syllable. (توجہ تیسری آخری حرف تک پہنچتی ہے۔)

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