
Analogue Meaning in Urdu: Definition, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Origin

Analogue is a noun that is pronounced as “an-uh-log” in English. In Urdu, it is pronounced as “ham jins ہم جنس” or “mushaba مشابہ”.

Meanings of Analogue in Urdu:

  • مشابہت رکھنے والا (mushabihat rakhnay wala) – Having similarity
  • ہم جنس (ham jins) – Similar in function or purpose
  • مشابہ (mushaba) – Resembling or comparable to something else

Synonyms of Analogue:

Some synonyms of analogue include:

  • Similar
  • Corresponding
  • Equivalent
  • Parallel
  • Comparable

Antonyms of Analogue:

Some antonyms of analogue with their meanings in Urdu are:

  • مختلف (mukhtalif) – Different
  • الگ (alag) – Separate
  • متضاد (mutazad) – Contradictory

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words related to analogue with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Analog (noun) – مشابہ (mushaba)
  • Analogous (adjective) – مشابہ (mushaba)
  • Analogize (verb) – مشابہت کرنا (mushabihat karna)
  • Analogously (adverb) – مشابہ طور پر (mushaba tor par)

Origin of the Word Analogue:

The word “analogue” originated from the Greek word “analogos” meaning “proportionate”. It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. He used an analogue watch to keep track of time. (وقت کی پیمائش کے لئے اس نے ایک ہم جنس گھڑی استعمال کی)
  2. The digital camera is an analogue of the traditional film camera. (ڈیجیٹل کیمرہ روایتی فلم کیمرے کا مشابہ ہے)
  3. Her painting is an analogue of a beautiful landscape. (اس کی تصویر خوبصورت منظر کا مشابہ ہے)

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