
Acclimatized: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Acclimatized is a word commonly used in English, and it refers to the process of becoming accustomed or adapted to a new environment or climate. The pronunciation of acclimatized is [uh-klaɪ-muh-tahyz].

Meanings in Urdu:

  • مقامی بنانا (Maqami Banana)
  • موسمی تبدیلی کا سامان بنانا (Mausami Tabdeeli Ka Samaan Banana)
  • موسمی تبدیلی کا عادی ہونا (Mausami Tabdeeli Ka Aadi Hona)

Origin of the word acclimatized:

The word acclimatized originated from the French word “acclimater,” which means “to acclimate.” It entered the English language in the early 19th century.

Synonyms of acclimatized:

  • Adapted
  • Accustomed
  • Familiarized
  • Adjusted
  • Seasoned


  • Unaccustomed – ناعادت (Na Aadaat)
  • Unfamiliar – ناجانے (Na Jane)
  • Inexperienced – نا تجربہ کار (Na Tajurba Kar)
  • Unseasoned – نا تجربہ کار (Na Tajurba Kar)

Nearby words:

  • Acclimate (verb) – موسمی تبدیلی کا عادی ہونا (Mausami Tabdeeli Ka Aadi Hona)
  • Acclimation (noun) – موسمی تبدیلی کا عادی ہونا (Mausami Tabdeeli Ka Aadi Hona)
  • Acclimatization (noun) – موسمی تبدیلی کا عادی ہونا (Mausami Tabdeeli Ka Aadi Hona)

Example sentences with Urdu meaning:

  • He acclimatized to the hot weather in no time. (وہ جلدی سے گرمی کے موسم کا عادی ہو گیا۔)
  • It takes time to acclimatize to a new culture. (نئی ثقافت کا عادی ہونے میں وقت لگتا ہے۔)
  • She acclimatized herself to the fast-paced city life. (وہ نے خود کو تیز رفتار شہری زندگی کا عادی کر لیا۔)

For more information about the word “acclimatized,” you can visit the following websites:

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